
What is mind and consciousness?

What is mind and consciousness?

Have you ever thought what the mind and consciousness are and how they operate?

No matter how far into outer space you can send your imagination, you still have not reached the boundaries of the mind. Nothing except creation itself is as unbounded and infinite as the mind. Mind and consciousness are the maximum mysterious phenomena that exist withinside the universe and in our head. You can’t touch, smell, see or taste them physically, however you are able to experience their existence and that they have notable impact on each day existence.

How can this invisible, mysterious and untouchable component we name the mind have such enormous powers?

We still don’t understand it completely yet but however it’s possible we dwelling in it and we very own this abnormal phonemical mind.

How can you harness the energy and information the mind unfolds for you? Have

We can believe what we will and can do with this magic wand we’ve got in our head. You go by your live every day, not knowing what enormous gift you carry with you without using its full potential. This interior mystery and powerful mind is big as the universe and most powerful than anything that anyone has created so far.

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How could this fit in your head or your body?

Everything you do, think, create, invent, growing physically and spiritually is in your mind that do the process and make it happen and yet with creative visualization, subliminal suggestion and emotion becomes much stronger and more powerful than before, it brings unlimited magical ideas to reality.

We need to be aware of all the mysterious that the mind has to provide us and how we can use this unlimited power to make our life better every day.

This invisible phenomenon works as holographic tools to developing images and projecting them via awareness to turn out to be what we see as reality. The mind is an innovative force, active and is so real alive in our lives. What we know about the mind is still a fraction of its surface, what we need to do is to find out what it lies beneath it.

The syudy of Conscious and Sunconsious Mind

The study of Conscious mind, Subconscious mind, Telepathy, Subliminal, Psychic phenomena, Soul forces, Psychometry, Psychokinesis, Remote viewing, ESP and other mysterious phenomena can help us to know what the mind is and where it hides in our life.

Are thoughts and awareness identical as the brain?

Are thoughts and awareness placed withinside the brain?

As far as we recognize, mind is a device to get entry to the thoughts and awareness. To better understand them we need to search both physical and non-physical realm of existence. As it appears we’re souls that occupying our bodies on this existence now not the opposite way, we are spirit that living in the physical world and to understand the mind and consciousness we need to consider both physical and spiritual aspects of its existence.

Scientifical research vs Spiritual research (physical and non-physical approach)

The Mind

Let’s see what science tells us about mind and consciousness.

The mind is not only receptive, but active and creative. It creates the world we live in. It forms the plants and animals, the rocks and the sea, our bodies and our lives. Our mind creates our experiences, our reality and has an infinite ability to know the world because the mind created it. Science defines the mind as the product of brain activity and is a set of abilities responsible for mental phenomena. These abilities include thinking, imagination, memory, will, and sensation. They are responsible for various mental phenomena such as perception, pain, belief, desire, intention and emotion. In addition, the brain is a physical tool and a set of complex organs that control thinking, sight, touch, taste, hunger, memory, emotions and other parts of our body and on the other hand, the mind is product of neurons. The main questions for the study of the mind are: 

Do other beings have minds besides humans? What is the relationship between body and mind?

Mind or mentality is usually contrasted with body, matter or physicality. There are a variety of mental states, sensory or conscious and unconscious. The mind is often understood as an ability that manifests itself in mental phenomena such as sensation, thought, memory, perception, belief, desire, emotion, reasoning, and motivation. Central to this contrast is the intuition and usually mind is considered synonymous with thinking.

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But the questions are: Does the brain control the mind? Is the mind identical to the brain?

Can mind also be some types of man-made machines (artificial intelligence or non-biological mind)?

The thought (Mind) is likewise every now and then portrayed as the flow of focus wherein feel impressions and intellectual phenomena are continuously converting.

Different scientifical studies, cultural and spiritual traditions frequently use one-of-a-kind standards of thoughts, resulting in one-of-a-kind solutions to those questions. Some see thoughts or mind as an asset different and exclusive to people while others ascribe some sort of thoughts to non-living entities (e.g., panpsychism and animism) to animals and other species.


The best way to give an explanation to consciousness is the understanding of inner and outside existence. According millennia of analyses, definitions, reasons, explanations and debates with the aid of using philosophers and scientists, consciousness stays difficult and controversial and it is the additionally the maximum mysterious component of our lives.

Do animals have consciousness?

How about the entire universe?

Does consciousness exist when we die?

As it appears people are conscious, all animals, and maybe the entire universe are conscious too. The variety of research, speculations increase doubts whether or not the right and compelling questions are being asked. It indicates we’re simply withinside the starting to recognize those phenomena.

Is consciousness a product of matter or way around?

Is it ever possible for computing machines like computer systems or robots to be conscious?

How consciousness relates to the world of experience?

The majority of experimental research check consciousness in people and animals to some extent. Interesting parts are phenomena consisting of subliminal perception, blindsight and adjusted states of consciousness produced with the aid of using alcohol and different drugs or meditative techniques.

As the reality of life is different in different people so as the consciousness.

All people see the life in a different way according to their experiences so why not to see the consciousness in a different way.

Does science really reveal the reality of consciousness and how do we know what the science represent as mind and consciousness are true?


Science was denying chakras for millennia and just recently discovered that chakras exist but on the other hand eastern philosophy have had discovered chakras more than five thousand ago and have been using it. They knew how it works, what color they have and in which direction they rotate, so how can we trust science that we have 100% accurate information. Don’t get me wrong I am not against science, what I mean is that we can not just rely on one source but we need to have our different options and possibilities.

The phenomenon

As a matter of fact, a phenomenon that is described in subjective phrases couldn’t nicely be studied by the use of objective experimental methods. When it comes to consciousness there are different opinions what to study to explain consciousness, every now and then, it’s synonymous with the thoughts and mind, at different times, a component of thoughts.

It’s not an easy task to know what consciousness is, it may cover one’s inner life, private thought, imagination, any sort of cognition, experience, feeling or perception, it may be awareness, awareness of awareness, or self-awareness either continuously changing or not, or even might be different levels of consciousness or different kinds of consciousness, or just one kind with different features.

The maximum extensively ordinary altered states of consciousness are sleep and dreaming. As sleep as different level of frequencies, dream has the access to past, present and future as well.

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New concept:

Electromagnetic power withinside the mind permits mind to create our attention and our ability to be conscious and think, according to a new theory developed by Professor Johnjoe McFadden from the University of Surrey.

New scientific studies claim to perhaps discovering mind and consciousness might be located out of the brain but not what they have been believing for centuries. It seems that science or better say scientists has come out of their shyness space to admit that other possibilities such as eastern philosophy could be more accurate than only physical experiments.

A new approach!

Non-physical (e.g., Eastern approach) A new approach! As there are so many scientific information about mind and consciousness and growing every day, I leave them for the experts to explain and here try to mention those non-physical theories or explanations that are worth mentioning that they may help people understanding more in a different approach. One of the secrets of the mind is that it doesn’t exist in the brain as we thinking where it is but it exists in the fourth dimension said Edgar Cayce(18MAR1877- 03JAN1945) The American prophet. Here is the reading: “The mind exists in a fourth dimension; it is the world of patterns we usually call ideas. What you consider to be ‘your mind’ is but a small representative of the whole mind which is infinite in scope.”

Mind creates pattern

And many other statements about the mind: “The mind is as infinite as the universe.” “The mind and nature are as one, they share the same patters.” “Mind organizes and creates patterns.” “Spirit, mind and will are the soul dimensions to human life.” “The spirit is the life, the mind the builder and the physical is the result.” “The study from the human standpoint, of subconscious, subliminal, psychic, soul forces, is and should be the great study for the human family, for through self, man will understand its Maker when it understands its relation to its Maker, and it will only understand that through itself, and that understanding is the knowledge as is given here in this state.” Edgar Cayce 3744-4 

The mind is Transpersonal

“For the time has arisen in the earth when men everywhere seek to know more of the mysteries of the mind, the soul, the soul’s mind.” Edgar Cayce 254-52 “It is the infinite mind that exists within all life and knows no boundaries” “Where it is the Subconscious mind that handles telepathy, it is through the Superconscious mind that clairvoyance and intuition operate.” “The mind is Transpersonal which means that the mind has a life beyond what appears in individual person.

The spirit is the life force

The mind is not just what happens inside a person, it is a reality in itself” “An entity body-mind was first a soul before it entered into material consciousness.” “Spirit, mind and will are the soul dimensions to human life.” “The spirit is the life force, it is energy, the one and only energy in the universe.” “Mind organizes and creates patterns.” “The spirit is the life; the mind is the builder and the physical is the result.” “The mind exists in levels of reality that are normally outside our awareness in the Subconscious and Universal unconscious regions.” “Dream is ‘when the conscious mind is laid aside and the subconscious mind becomes the consciousness, the soul awakens and active.” “Consciousness is a projection of the soul and the reality we experience is like a dream upon invisible movie screen.” “The brain resonates with vibration.”


These and plenty of greater different statements to be exact 14,306 readings talk a spectacular 10,000 distinctive subjects by Edgar Cayce (Twentieth Century Psychic and Medical Clairvoyant) which are to be really well worth reading both scientific and spiritual aspects of mind and consciousness. These readings emerge as very insightful to humanity whilst we examine and realize how he were given most of these facts. More on Edgar Cayce is written in other articles!

Putting things together!

Perhaps a few solutions to in advance questions we had or as a minimum distinctive thoughts and statements to wonder:

Are the mind and consciousness the same?

So according to Edgar Cayce’s readings they are not the same, they have different functionality and existence and soon may science agree to.

Are mind and consciousness same as the brain?


Are mind and consciousness located in the brain?

No, but they exist in outside of the brain in the fourth dimension.


“My opinion is not only about mind and consciousness but also about other subjects in life that we should consider and research both in scientific and spiritual aspects of life so at we understand the whole concept not just a particular section, we need to stay open minded about other non-physical aspects of life as well to grasp and understand this mysterious life we live in.”

Cyrus Karamjani

Please check out this topic later as updates may and will follow.





https://www.edgarcayce.org/ Edgar Cayce, Modern Prophet

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